HSAB provides reliable technology for harvesting Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) biomass.
HSAB has three decades of practical experience of construction of harvesters for short rotation coppice. HSAB machines have been exported to three continents.
Henriksson Salix AB
HSAB is a Swedish family enterprise specializing in Salix (willow) production as a biomass fuel. The company was established in 1991 and has a proud history of participating in the development of the commercial Salix (willow) industry in Sweden from the very beginning.
Our specialty is in the design and manufacture of equipment to harvest Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) as a biofuel using direct chipping technology. SRC is grown on agricultural land, in rows and is harvested with a few years interval with agricultural technology. In Europe it is normally willow or poplar but in other climates it can be eucalyptus or other tree species which regrow fast (coppice) after harvesting.
HSAB has harvested and delivered willow chips in Sweden for 3 decades.
The base for HSAB’s knowledge is generations of farming, university training, overseas assignments and international business contacts as well as working experience from a variety of agricultural fields.
Below is a link a willow project just started in Sweden.

HSAB medverkar i projektet “Ökad energiskogsodling genom samverkan från producent till användare”, finansierat av EU, via Jordbruksverket. Partners är HSAB, Solör Bioenergi, Hjälmarbygdens Bioenergi, Laqua Treatment. Anknutna konsulter är Håkan Rosenqvist, Susanne Paulrud, (RISE), och Kjell Andersson (tidigare SVEBIO). Syftet är att nystarta energiskogsodlingen i samarbete med utvalda värmeverk. Länk till Projektsida /link to project page.